You make your team push a Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He’Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt things explicitly designed to do nothing but piss off the other side. At first, it seems like this should get. The other side riled up and motivated to vote. But if you keep it up every day for a decade, people begin completely ignoring politics for their own mental health. There’s a travesty of justice every day, I need to make dinner for the kids. “I’m not gonna read the newspaper today, it’ll just make me sad and angry”. By design, they polarize people (drive a “wedge” between them). But for someone who aligns with different parties on different wedge issues, they have no option.
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They conclude all choices a Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He’Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt are non-viable and become apathetic in response. In American history, science has never been. Doubted to this extent nor has the disdain. For science been such an acceptable position for a politician to run on. Faced with multiple severe issues where science denial is making it worse it makes sense. An organization specifically focused on science to speak up now when has historically preferred to stay silent on politics. It started a century ago with conservative Christian rejection of Evolution. It has spawned generations of people raised to reject bare facts if they diverge from what they want to be true.
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