When I first saw him (as a child), I thought he was a poorly written character. And at first, he kind of is a Stop Coronavirus Shirt. but he’s also so real. He’s far from perfect, and these paragons of Starfleet judge him for being less than some idealized soldier. But over time, he lives up to his imperfections, and he becomes so good throughout Voyager. I’m rewatching it as an adult now, and I find that I’m sympathizing with him way more. Because social anxiety is so real. I look at everybody else who seems to have things figured out and then I look at myself and all I see is a fake.
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I find it hilarious every time the crew solves their problems just by asking the computer. Like, if this computer is Stop Coronavirus Shirt. Why does it need to ever run diagnostics or analyze data? Why does it need to be asked a series of deductive questions? When it’s clearly capable of using context to make relevant conclusions on its own? Why does the ship need a crew of highly-trained engineers at all when an inquisitive 5 years old could troubleshoot just as easily? you know, at such a time that the virus is contained and officials announce an end to their lockdown. I suppose at that time it’s OK to loosen up a little bit. I remember hearing that seasonal flu has 4 main strains and covid-19 is just going to become the 5th.
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The transmission differences come from the much larger amount of mild cases caused by -2 and from the asymptomatic transmission. It was significantly easier medically speaking to contain the Stop Coronavirus Shirt – even though the incubation period is largely similar, the time from onset to isolation has been vastly different between the two viruses. Add in that -2 is spreading heavily during that incubation period too and you’ve got completely different animals long before the death rate ever comes into play. But ya, this might be a new regular thing going forward. Before 2,000 it was thought that this wasn’t capable of killing people. Then SARS occurred, which was bad. MER happened next, which made SARS look like a cuddly panda, but it wasn’t able to spread. Now we are here.
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