More than half of this comment section are people complaining about the “lack of freedom” cause this person bought the masks with his money … he would probably resell the masks cause I don’t think he needs that many. And reselling for a profit during this time, especially for a Weed Marijuana Straight Outta Quarantine Class Of 420 Covid-19 Shirt. I did my best to do accurate research I found that there are 160 masks in each. ( possibly more in the borders house ) That makes 7840 masks total. But, what if it was a private stock meant for a local emergency. For instance, if a city prepared a stockpile way before the emergency, are they hoarding? Who makes the decision for their supplies to be taken under these laws?
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Read the Weed Marijuana Straight Outta Quarantine Class Of 420 Covid-19 Shirt. That’s despicable. Taking advantage of the market hoarding a commodity vital to protecting those on the front lines in the battle. If he just hoarded the shit and kept to himself, they couldn’t charge him but it’s obvious what he was doing. There are roving pairs of minivans in Vancouver- one full of 6 to 8 people and the other full of goods– they buy the limit of 1-3 items per person, then pack it all in their transport van and on to the next store. I’ve seen this at Walmart, Crappy Tire, Shoppers and Safeway. They need to have police staking out every store. Yeah, without looking into this deeply, it looks like the government stealing from an individual. I don’t agree with him hoarding these on a personal level. However, one Dbag is way less scary than a government that just comes. And jacks your shit because they know the majority of people will see them as heroes.
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This is a totalitarian government robbing an asshole. And it happens to be about selling medical supplies. Wtf did he do wrong? 5.5% price markup over an 11 YEAR period, that’s not gouging. This is what happens when the government is so ill-prepared for a Weed Marijuana Straight Outta Quarantine Class Of 420 Covid-19 Shirt. They’ll take your shit and call it justice. The hoarder exploited the mechanisms of the free market in a time of extreme emergency to establish an effective monopoly on an indispensable product for those who are sick or working on the front lines to prevent and treat the virus.
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