And this is exactly a Vodka The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt what makes teachers special! School is so much more than teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. This teacher clearly does so much for his/her students to make them feel safe and at ease to allow them to be in the right frame for learning. I am so lucky to be able to watch my wife go that extra mile for her middle school kids every day (remote learning). I love how it’s only gotten worse over 8 months. And we’ve decided it a good idea to send them back to school because. I 100% believe one teacher will be able to keep 20 kids masks on.
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I’m sorry but there are adults who are a Vodka The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt huge part of the problem and they’re kids have been home every day for the last 8 months learning bad behavior. Its gonna work out so well I’m so excited to let’s go! I see and hear a lot of vitriol about how great teachers have it. they are overpaid, etc etc. this is a good example of why they are underpaid. Aside from COVID, this teacher in all likelihood paid for this out of pocket. And won’t be reimbursed for it not to mention. The hours spent doing this that isn’t overtime or even paid time. So a big thanks to all the teachers out there.
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