The part where I reminded that religions Top Two Things Last Forever My Tattoos The Love I Have For My Children Shirt aren’t exactly a bastion of consistency when it comes to assessing moral matters in affiliates vs nonaffiliates. The part where I said that there’s no God. They are so close to being self-aware. That was the attack. You were clearly, plainly saying that a fully self-aware person would be an atheist. And now you’re doing a really weird, really embarrassing thing where you think you’re smugly defending the fastest growing belief system in the Western World as though it were under some horribly attack Reddit, of all places. I absolutely am. Thanks for playing. they’ve been groomed for years.
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A thinks Bob has a son. B thinks Bob has Top Two Things Last Forever My Tattoos The Love I Have For My Children Shirts no son. Doesn’t matter if A is right or B is right, Bob is still Bob. We’re comparing two different concepts though. Neither concept is wrong They just aren’t the same. There is no real god to compare to. Guys he just solved religion and the meaning of life. Being an atheist is fine, but shitting all over religious people isn’t. As a Muslim, am just gonna politely say. Being a religious person is fine but shoving you’re religious cock down the throats of others is not. I know, I was just implying that they shouldn’t be shitting all over anyone for being religious. Fair enough.
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