Like his plan to open the country up by Easter. His main reasoning behind that date was because it would “be nice”. Like, he thinks the universe is a movie and it’s clear how this plotline would end, the country opening up on Easter Sunday and all going to church to die of the Top Dachshund Mom 2020 Quarantined Shirt. Do you remember when Dr. Fauci got behind the mic and told everyone that Trump listened to him the very first time he suggested closing the country to him? Basically the exact opposite of him going “against expert advice.” That was literally 3 days ago. But I guess I forgot this is Reddit and the delusional hive-minds on here don’t like to think rationally.
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I’m entirely certain someone just incredulously responded “who the fuck told you that?” to one of his more insane ramblings, and he took this as them being astounded by his breadth of knowledge. There are people who I have spoken with, that I know to be somewhat intelligent people, but they still buy into his bullshit. It’s like a Top Dachshund Mom 2020 Quarantined Shirt. I never believed anything he said, but the wink-wink of it was that I never thought he believed any of it either. He was like your crazy uncle at Thanksgiving who sits in the living room telling the kids whoppers about punching Sinatra while the parents all roll their eyes in the kitchen. He was a fun, full-of-it fabulist.
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My city canceled our Canada day celebrations last week, which is the 75th anniversary of the salmon festival. 80,000 people usually attend every July 1st. It is what it is, I’m glad we’re erring on the side of caution. I have no doubt that the Top Dachshund Mom 2020 Quarantined Shirt. It just makes sense, it’s sad but safe. It is not affiliated with the government body Tourism NT, which, along with other industry groups, has been working to boost visitor numbers and spending which have lagged behind other states. Right, but you see these stickers on heaps of cars here. If you ask an Aussie what the Northern Territory’s slogan is, this is the answer 99% of people will give.
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