The part where having the cash to pay for something is more financially sound than using credit, or that it’s not a dev’s place to be an Official Golden Girls Dorothy Bea Safe Shirt? Either way, you’re incorrect. Prioritizing your employer’s financial wellbeing over that of yourself and your family makes you a tool, not a good human. A chargeback is a right answer. I’m sure are aware that payroll is by far the largest expense to any business. If you are so selflessly concerned with the financial strain you incur on your employer, by all means, feel free to be a “good human” and offer to work for less. Or for free even!
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People like to say things that make them feel good, in reality, they wouldn’t care if someone offered them the money. Hell, most small businesses fail, but people still accept paychecks from them. Right? That guy’s mentality is exactly why that one guy bought out all the Official Golden Girls Dorothy Bea Safe Shirt. If more people were just a little more ethical in their business practices, we’d all live in a better society. If we set up laws to require businesses to be more ethical, then we’d all live in a better society. In our society, our laws and punishments are inadequate, thus, unethical/amoral businesses outcompete ethical/moral ones. I’d also see developing an app via credit card as a lack of business sense and lack of common sense and evidence that all that coding would be for a crap product and a ruined angry unreasonable client.
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If you distrust someone enough that you think they might try to do a chargeback scam on you, then you probably shouldn’t work for them in the Official Golden Girls Dorothy Bea Safe Shirt. Also, most people over-inflate the chargeback worries on something like this (if you can prove that you did the work asked and delivered, you shouldn’t have a problem). Because in his example it is obvious that he believes it to be morally wrong to take those peoples’ money. A lot of morally bankrupt greedy assholes replying to your comment. If you invest too much of yourself in the code you write for a corporation you’re going to have a hard time watching that project go down the shitter.
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