Wonder Years > Boy Meets World for that exact reason. Everyone wanted him to be with Winnie but it just wasn’t possible. Boy Meets World was a comic book fantasy. Goldberg’s was great the first couple of seasons. Then it became about the mom and her crazy antics and I eventually stopped watching. Every episode became the same thing. Bev does something crazy, Bev sees the error of her ways, Bev makes it better with a grand gesture and cue the 80’s / 90’s music. Rewatching BMW as an adult was something else. The amount of manipulation, gaslighting, and downright shitty behavior that Corey does makes it unwatchable. I feel like when we were kids we just didn’t understand the Somewhere Between A Disnerd And A Star Wars Geek There’s Me Shirt nuance but now, oh boy, it does not send a good message.
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It gets bad when Eric goes from a good looking guy that is struggling and has real depth to just a goofy idiot. He went from one of the more interesting characters on TV to a cartoon and the show never really was the same show again. Not counting their inability to keep accurate time. It seems realistic to me. One thing a new relationship can never be better at than an old one is shared history.Not to mention the Somewhere Between A Disnerd And A Star Wars Geek There’s Me Shirt relationship between Corey and Topanga got retconned big time. In the first season, she was the weird girl that Corey and Shawn saw as an outsider.
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Thank you, that was what I was trying to remember her from. There was some phenomenal acting in the second season, where a lot of the cast got a chance to sing with Mendelsohn (who completely stole season 1) taking on a reduced role. Chandler, Cardellini, and Butz put in some world-class performances as the Rayburn siblings. And supporting actors like Jacinda Barret (Chandler’s wife, Diana), Jamie McShane (Eric O’Bannon), Chloe Sevigny (Chelsea O’Bannon) and Owen Teague (playing both Nolan and young Danny Rayburn) did some outstanding stuff with more Somewhere Between A Disnerd And A Star Wars Geek There’s Me Shirt limited screen time.
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