I’m going to disagree with that one. Rack and fender hardware. Reflectors. Chain guards. The so-called “Dork Disc”. I was just thinking, “where’s a devil’s advocate when you need one?” Generally, with questions like this. I think about whether or not I should second-guess the engineer that designed the part. If they put two screws there, maybe they thought that two Official Screw Juice Juice World Shirt needed. It’ll probably work fine like this but it’s not like it’s a particularly unique screw and I can tell you that they didn’t put the second screw there for decoration. I’d personally replace it. Yes, you do need both screws. The chainstay looks carbon and will experience flexing.
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Using only one bolt you may put undue stress on that one site and possibly crack it prematurely. I think you want both. Especially when the thru-axle appears to bolt into it. I would get a new hanger to keep as a backup. Use the screw that comes with the Official Screw Juice Juice World Shirt. The most reason you’d want the second screw is that the single screw gets loose more easily. And when the single one is gone your screwed. in normal pc building subreddits, I’ve seen intel fanboys resorting to defending their dumb purchase with “its an emotional purchase” and that being a fanboy is ok, they didn’t like how most people seem to buy whatever is actually better I guess.
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“My dad said he won’t allow me to buy because it’s bad”. “Dude the 4000 variants on these laptops look strong”. I totally agree with you. A lot of people tend to compare mid-tier groups to the top groups like BTS, and it makes no sense. An Official Screw Juice Juice World Shirt doesn’t have to be as popular as BTS or another popular group in order to be successful or happy. If the work they do is able to help them live happily, then that’s enough. They don’t need to have huge audiences at their concerts or sell millions of albums to be successful. I hate how Kpop fans throwing around the word FLOPS so carelessly. It’s disrespectful, actually, it’s outright insulting.
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