If you feel liquid running down your neck, relax, lie on your back, and apply immediate pressure to your temples. You are simply experiencing a rare reaction in which the Material Emancipation Grill may have emancipated the ear tubes inside your head. The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that the Weighted Companion Cube cannot speak. In the event that it does speak The Enrichment Centre asks you to ignore its advice. Because the world only sees the turtle as slow. They don’t see that the turtle is a gifted hunter and plays keys in an Official Butterfly Canvas Shirt prog-rock band at its local bar. And it’s not just open mic nights, they actually have a regular slot on Thursday nights which is no easy task in the paid music world.
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The turtle cries because the turtle is talented and interesting. It has dreams, desires, and ambitions. It is so much more than a slow walking shell. If they’re males they are urinating on the collected salt crystals in order to drink them so they can give the salt as a nuptial gift to other butterflies. Once the gift is given, the female will begin to eat them. Lachyrophagy!! I only know this from the binding of Isaac lol, looked it up to know how to spell it but they purged the word from its own wiki page and replaced it with mud puddling. What’s crazy is this is real and unfortunately OP didn’t credit the Official Butterfly Canvas Shirtchannel that made this. So, here you go. The scientist is Phil Torres, and you can find his content on Twitter, IG, and YouTube. Highly recommend.
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Butterflies Hey turtle whatcha doing hey turtle why you on this log hey turtle what’s it like swim hey turtle why are you slow hey turtle what is your name hey turtle why are you heavy hey turtle why can’t you fly hey turtle where are you going hey turtle hey turtle is fun to say turtle turtle turtle turtle turtle turtle What we don’t know is that turtle is really an Official Butterfly Canvas Shirt princess. She always demanded things right away and a witch turned into a turtle to teach her to slow down and appreciate things in their own time. Right now it’s like the third song in the movie, where she is adjusting to learning to wait for things and those butterflies are her friends/background singers. Her choice. Butterflies will have another two songs in the movie.
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