In the earliest days of wire-based communication (analog), there was only one signal on the wire at a time. Later, we learned to pass multiple Ocean Sassy Since Birth Salty By Choice Shirt by using different frequencies/wavelengths for different signals. In its simplest forms, imagine that instead of shining a white light down a wire for one signal, you’re shining red, green, and blue lights. By measuring the amount of red, green, and blue light at the other end, you can separate the signals. That’s the principle, just scaled up.
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About 80 signals per strand of fiber. A cable can have dozens of fibers, so that’s potentially a few thousand signals in a cable with a hundred fiber strands. But as you say, there are millions of data transfers… this Ocean Sassy Since Birth Salty By Choice Shirt is fairly easy though. Although the signals appear to be fully simultaneous, we don’t actually have a constant connection along each possible pathway: what we do is break our data up into chunks called “packets”, and put an address on it of where it needs to go (your IP address).
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That might sound strange but think of it like sending things in the mail. Instead of having someone drive back and forth and give the message. We put them in packets and send them down the road with an address on the Ocean Sassy Since Birth Salty By Choice Shirt. Think of our cable as a road network. We make a road (a strand of fiber) and then we give it 80 lanes: those are our multiple signals. Now imagine we can overlap those signals so all 80 lanes are just one lane where the cars don’t interfere with each other.
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