I feel like some of those people might’ve just been queuing in the traffic caused by McDonald’s but probably weren’t going there themselves. Not many, but some. You see it quite often, people are too polite to use the other lane so that they’re not seen as a try to skip the traffic. There’s a long road by me that goes from two lanes into one. Everybody queues up in the left lane and tuts at anyone trying to skip in the right lane. People even drive down the middle to block the right lane. It’s actually better for New England Patriots Best Dad Ever Happy Father’S Day Stars Shirt everyone if everyone just fills the 2 lane part of the road completely. I’ve read that somewhere sciency but I forgot where. I laughed because our fast-food chains are having supply shortages here, went through Wendy’s yesterday. Apparently the frosty/ice cream was one, not even surprised.
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Seriously, it’s not hard to make a better experience at home. Having said that, I’ve lived in England long enough to understand the mentality. It’s a brand, a trend. People love the New England Patriots Best Dad Ever Happy Father’S Day Stars Shirt idea of McDonald’s and appear to go to extreme lengths (literally) to get it. People do this with their favorite branded restaurants and takeaways. The product is mediocre but they like the idea or experience. The constant movement from product to product fills the hole. They don’t realize they’re playing into the brand’s game. We were taught this when I worked for a branded restaurant similar thing happened a few weeks ago. A restaurant opened up a drive-through trying to sell its inventory at reduced prices.
It took about 45 min. to get to the front. The woman in front of us thought it was free.
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Usually, you can take the highway up a few blocks and get there but since I was new in town… Isn’t that statement directly in contradiction with itself? Saying they’ll ‘queue for anything’ kind of makes you wonder about what they’re willing to queue for and the quality of that for which they’re queuing – and in this example, a New England Patriots Best Dad Ever Happy Father’S Day Stars Shirt cookie. I think in normal times things would be very different, I usually go to MD once a month as a fuck it kind of thing, and I have never seen a queue like this, however, you can bet your bottom dollar that after spending 7 weeks of needing to complete a form to go outside, having no option but to cook every single meal, and being told that I can finally go and get me some overpriced sugary crap from the local drive-through I spent 45 minutes creeping forwards at 1km/h for that greasy tepid burger.
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