La covid when talking about the illness but le coronavirus when talking about the virus, because Nice Diamond Ring And Crown Converse Chucks And Pearls With Kamala Harris 2021 Shirt the illness is feminine but the virus is masculine! I don’t know OP is the owner of the channel, but do follow India in Pixels on Instagram! It’s a really cool infographics page that’s trying to add a new perspective to how people see India and the world! In Italian, we call it to make but honestly, both ways are ok because Covid is an adjective that takes the function of the subject while the name remains implied So you can say Il (virus)Covid -male- or LA (influenza) Covid -female- the latter one is definitely less used.
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Sounds like something an American would say. Meanwhile, in English. All countries Nice Diamond Ring And Crown Converse Chucks And Pearls With Kamala Harris 2021 Shirts are obviously feminine. You know, the same gender as boats. That, I find actually weird, since unlike French, English doesn’t have the grammatical gender has a part of the word. ‘it’ is used for almost every sexless thing, but somehow, English finds it normal to switch to ‘she’ for nations and ships. There is some disease like cancer, HIV, that are masculine though. I don’t think the argument for La COVID is acceptable. Especially since it’s the COronavirus, Le, masculine, So COVID is masculine, every other way is an aberration.
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