If you can find a Never Underestimate An Old Lady With Bigfoot Sunset 2020 Shirt example of someone doing or saying something outrageous, it will spread around the world generating clicks and conversations. In the modern media, environment clicks directly equate to income. At the end of the day, it boils down to what we can reasonably do. We can’t reasonably force people to want to be informed, but we might be able to force deceptive individuals or organizations to be more truthful. Ergo, that is where our responsibility lies. If we simply stand back and watch the deceivers deceive the deceived, we are also culpable. By contrast, pointing fingers at “knuckle draggers” gets us nowhere. Although you do forget to consider it is not as easy to convince the ignorant to wake up if there are still forces up high.
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The fact that the media is sitting on repeating a debate between a Never Underestimate An Old Lady With Bigfoot Sunset 2020 Shirt scientist, who can demonstrate easily at this point that climate change exists, and a rabid idiot spewing word vomit, appears to me to be a choice It is not so much a problem of the ignorant public vs the smart people in the know — people only know what they are able to find out, so institutions that want to make something happen (or keep it from happening)Everyone has a responsibility to seek out knowledge and challenge their own beliefs, as you said, but that does If you take a look at studies like this one on what the true numbers are for support of a given policy and see how little Good point! Mostly pointing out that misinformation is running rampant on there nowadays.
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