Al refused to take James and Leon to attend their mother’s funeral. He instead gave them shots of whiskey and instructed them that was how men should deal with loss. Aside from the obvious cruelty of this scenario, it always intrigues and saddens me to learn about the Never Underestimate A September Girl With A Guitar Sunset Shirt. Who were introduced to booze by their family at a really young age? I know Shane Macgowan had a similar upbringing in that regard. It’s gotta suck to be groomed into alcoholism even before you become a rock star or other fast-living profession. I’m sure there are other examples. Robert Downey Jr. is the first one that comes to mind.
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His father was an actor and a drug addict and gave his son marijuana at the age of six, and doing drugs together became one of the only bonding opportunities Jr. had with his father. By the age of eight, he had a Never Underestimate A September Girl With A Guitar Sunset Shirt. By the time he in his mid-teens, he spent every night getting drunk. And desperately trying to get his hands on various drugs. His twenties spent jumping between acting jobs, serious drug-fueled benders, and court-ordered jail and rehab time. He in his mid-thirties when he decided he wanted a better life and that it was time to really clean up and get healthy.
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Then he attempted a comeback or two before landing Iron Man in 2008. He still works every day at being healthy and has succeeded in the Never Underestimate A September Girl With A Guitar Sunset Shirt. He’s a true success story amidst a lot of tragedies. No money in MMA, out of the 500 fighters on Dana Whites payroll only 25 make enough to support themselves properly. Healthcare shit, travel expenses shit. So it’s all a Dana White myth. You’re all shooting up, why not share needles? And that’s a no brainer, more money in your wallet more drugs in your veins! John Frusciante had that adult life. He hated fame. His interview when he’s on heroin and has scribbled “music” on notebooks is heartbreaking.
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