It was the last day of my trip, and I was spending it with a cousin who lives in the area. My mom was staying behind for another week. Even though my dad was officially retired, he was working part-time as a handyman at a Mermaid She Dreams Of The Ocean Late At Night And Long Wild Salt, Air Shirt local rec center, and was supposed to go to work that morning. My uncle ran the rec center and didn’t find out until late in the day that my dad did not show up for work. We assumed that since it was an unattended death and he wasn’t sick that an autopsy would be performed. We didn’t find out until weeks later when we got the death certificate that one was not performed. He is the one who found him on the bathroom floor.
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My world hasn’t been the same since. We assumed that since it was an unattended death and he wasn’t sick that an autopsy would be performed. We didn’t find out until weeks later when we got the death certificate that one was not performed. I did a little research on the subject, and found a Mermaid She Dreams Of The Ocean Late At Night And Long Wild Salt Air Shirt article that states that sometimes that COD is given when the coroner wants to chalk it up to “natural causes.” We didn’t know that aneurysms were genetic. God, I wish we did. I mentioned in another comment that about a month before his death he came home from work suffering from the worst headache of his life.
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I’ve read that that is really the only warning sign of am impending aneurysm rupture. The only good to come out of it was that my mom saw how hard my sister and brother and I took the loss, and she realized that she couldn’t put us through that again any time soon if she could help it. So, she started taking care of herself much better. She’s the one with diabetes and had heart surgery. Before losing my dad she was just kind of nonchalant about taking care of herself. She told my dad she wouldn’t go through heart surgery again, even when the doctor had concerns about her other valve. When the endocrinologist scolded her about her A1C, she kind of Mermaid She Dreams Of The Ocean Late At Night And Long Wild Salt Air Shirt blew it off.
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Nice quality cheap. Worth buying