It’s pretty common on Reddit to see, though. Whenever a woman is abused or states she has been abused, dozens or more men come out to say “WHAT ABOUT HIS SIDE OF THE STORY? WHY DO WE BELIEVE HER?” It is misogynistic in the root. We, women, have faced this shit from the day we were born. You don’t have to believe us and believe when we say something, but for fuck’s sake, shut up about both sides. You can’t take someone to court after they thew your son’s ashes in the trash, and magically have the ashes reconstituted into an urn. Not sure what you meant by that, and honestly if I was the Gotta Tap Dat Ash Vintage Shirt mother, going to the media wouldn’t make me feel better. Would it make you feel better? Is that why you said it? I googled, being fully ready to admit I was wrong…
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No, I think anyone who has lived through abuse would stand up for her. If you haven’t lived through years of being abused and torn down, then you could absolutely never understand. And if you have, then how could you not sympathize with someone doing something cathartic for themselves? Also, you shouldn’t generalize anyone sticking up for her as a Gotta Tap Dat Ash Vintage Shirt “simple fuck”. Because maybe people sticking up for her wish they had some way out too. You never know. Of all the strange teenage jobs. I worked at a Cemetery for a little over a year I got to talking with one of the frequent visitors coming to visit her loved one.
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Yep. Jagex has suggested some terrible additions but so have we. And we have voted in some terrible content that should’ve never seen the light day. I wish the voting system acted more as a strong suggestion to Jagex for what we wanted and not the end all be all decision-maker (minus a few very specific times Jagex overruled it) The way the wilderness SHOULD work is a high risk, high reward. Save a Gotta Tap Dat Ash Vintage Shirt ton on prayer, risk getting pk’, make bank at revs, risk getting pk’ (which is why clues have no business being up there as they are. There should be wilderness clues ala wilderness slayer). The rev cave USED to do this. My cousin would make bank up there but occasionally get pk’. High risk, high reward. These clans are ruining it.
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3 reviews for Gotta Tap Dat Ash Vintage Shirt