Gonna delete my comment and upvote yours because I didn’t read far enough down to find my favorite already posted lol I also take it to mean the things that we care for and put effort into often times are what thrive in our lives. As the story goes, Ted Kaczynski, aka “the Unabomber,” was supposedly always irritated people got this phrase ‘wrong,’ and in his manifesto, he used the phrase “can’t eat your cake and have it too.” It is very unusual to say the Love Together World Is What The World Need Now Shirt phrase the old way, and Kaczynski’s brother supposedly recognized the use of this quirky phrase and tipped the authorities to look into his brother.
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“We’re getting down to short rows.” This means that you are nearing the completion of a task. It comes from the way farmers in the mountains would make their planting rows. Typically you weren’t working with a squared-off field, you were working around forest/rivers. So farmers would till long rows and short rows. You’d plant the Love Together World Is What The World Need Now Shirt long rows first so “gettin’ down to short rows” meant that you were nearing the end of planting. As a black man in America, how does being adopted by a white family play into your daily life and your social group? I know in an ideal world, race shouldn’t matter but, And by us, I mean my friends. He didn’t even so much as ask where I lived. The cop was black too.
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When my wife and I met with another couple who had adopted children, one of the questions was had we thought about the ramifications if we adopted a child that was of a different culture and race than us. I left that discussion pretty sure, “oh no, it wouldn’t matter. I would love my child unconditionally”, and while that is true- I had some doubts too now. The closest I can relate is that I spent about 5 years living in a predominantly black neighborhood in Atlanta when I was a Love Together World Is What The World Need Now Shirt kid and I was the only white kid in my social group. And still, things were different for me because I was white.
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