I didn’t know the road dead-ended in some dudes driveway until I was in it. Dogs going crazy, and before I can even start the process of turning around an old man comes out with a revolver in hand. He asks what I’m doing, I tell him I missed the home I was looking for and I was going to turn around and leave. He said he’d watch. It’s not really what’s about what you can prove, it’s what you can get a jury to agree on. If you can’t get a jury to unanimously agree on attempted murder, but have such an easy case for aggravated assault that it’s pretty much guaranteed the jury will return an I Have A Crappie Attitude Vintage Shirt unanimous guilty verdict, then there’s absolutely no reason to go with attempted murder – because there’s a slight chance you won’t get a conviction or you’ll get a hung jury or something.
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Woof, that’s wild. Really glad the driver lived. All I could think to do is say to the guy “what do I need to do to get the gun out of my face? Can I park over there?” Get them to look away then bam duck as best I can (still head height) and drive. Looks like this guy was facing a straightaway I was glad to see that. All the hillbillies kept yelling at the dude to leave as he was just trying to ask questions. Then one of the I Have A Crappie Attitude Vintage Shirt hillbillies snatched his bike away and slashed both his tires with a knife. It’s why they’re racist and can’t handle the idea of not having an entire national guard armory’s worth of guns in their shed. If you think you can do anything you want, why bother thinking? So they do stupid stuff for the sake of feeling powerful.
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Then if that fails, try to “befriend” the assailant. Make yourself appear more human. I remember reading about a killer who abducted a young teen. For a woman abducted by a rapist, if she flirts with the guy and says she’d like to see him again and be his girlfriend, this tactic has worked. It’s a last-ditch move and incredibly difficult to do of course, but it could save your life. Without skipping an I Have A Crappie Attitude Vintage Shirt beat, the victim calmly says something completely random and unexpected, something like “My Roma tomatoes are growing really well, and they are a lovely sight to see!” The muggers just like…wtf? And the guy just casually strolls away.
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