“Today, we must decide whether an employer can fire someone simply for being homosexual or transgender. The answer is clear. An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of different LGBT I Swing All Ways Violently With An AXE Shirt. Sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids.” Gorsuch has actually been a fairly centrist conservative SCJ. As a native Coloradan, I was afraid he’d stain our progressive reputation, but so far he hasn’t been anywhere near what Trump/McConnell was hoping he’d be. Kavanaugh on the other hand? He can go boof himself.
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As an outside observer that followed the drama for both, I agree. Gorsuch seemed surprisingly reasonable when he was picked, considering the fact that they stole that LGBT I Swing All Ways Violently With An AXE Shirt. And seem hellbent on destroying institutions. Justice Kennedy’s retirement and Kavanaugh’s appointment was them correcting their mistake. If Garland had gotten confirmed, and Gorsuch took the spot Kavanaugh now sits in, I really don’t see too many people being too concerned. Of course, I’d prefer a liberal justice, but Gorsuch is far better than Kavanaugh. I agree with you with one exception. Gorsuch tends to vote for the law as written as opposed to the law as intended.
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Honestly, a good amount of decisions I’ve seen in the news Gorsuch has crossed the aisle. Realistically he seems like the ideal kind of the LGBT I Swing All Ways Violently With An AXE Shirt if our country was running as it should. He’s not gonna stretch the letter of the law to a significant degree. Which makes sense, we voted for politicians who put those laws in place and the court should just there. To ensure they followed as intended. We don’t live in an ideal world and sometimes a liberal court decision. And it can be nice to help fix a problem (hello Roe v. Wade), but I’m not gonna complain. Unless it feels like justice is taking liberties with the law in a way that hurts people.
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