This guy knows nothing about taxation. Don’t listen to him, he’s a quack. Have you ever heard of duck rights? If a duck is in a wheelchair he does not have to pay any fees and the government will give the proper maintenance, pretty cool. We have an I Don’t Have Ducks Or A Row I Have Cats And They Are Everywhere Shirt in our city. That has a duck ramp to a duck cabin on an island. No lie. The city had to put the ramp in after they were sued and lost $8 million because a disabled duck couldn’t make it up the stairs. Total lie. No handrail either for the ducks and one side of the stairs is exposed, a lawsuit waiting in duck court.
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Finding the exact comment you were about to type needs a quick name like “surf rumbled”, you surf rumbled me! Here’s the deal, we’ve all made mistakes drunk but as long as you fix em then it’s all water under the I Don’t Have Ducks Or A Row I Have Cats And They Are Everywhere Shirt. Listen Slick, back in ‘81 I made the mistake of doing sex with a gorgeous single mother who went by the name of Sally Mae. Well, the mistake turned out she was a rabid fascist bigot. When the clarity came back Sure as shit I was ashamed count on that Jack. I attained that the only way I knew how no malarkey.
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At Christmas, I hid inside a big present my brother had hidden. Under Ole Sally’s tree the night before when he jimmied the lock. Sure as a cat whisker her daughter opened the big present first before her Momma woke up. And I punched her I Don’t Have Ducks Or A Row I Have Cats And They Are Everywhere Shirt in the mouth. Biden has said it several times and thinks it’s from an old movie but nobody can find it… Dude, I’m sure that you’re referencing a bunch of shit that went WAY over my head, but I still enjoyed your comment more than I should’ve considering my lack of knowledge regarding the likely references that I was unable to understand.
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