That’s me and my Series X and so far all I’ve Hot Stressed Blessed And Cow Obsessed Shirt played is game pass games. Hot take: The critically acclaimed Nier Automata is a good game. Be happy you can play PS4 games on it. In the PS3 to PS4 upgrade, you couldn’t play your PS3 games anymore on the new system. Is that not the way it has been since the 5th generation of consoles? The first 6 months or so of games are port up of the previous-gen. And it takes a year or so for the games that are built. For the new-gen to start being that gens games. I’m still not getting one for a while, but it would be nice to play PS4 games at better fps.
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The ones that do run at 60 are wonderful, but Hot Stressed Blessed And Cow Obsessed Shirts then there are the ones that don’t and that makes me sad sometimes. It’s just annoying when a PS4 exclusive doesn’t hold a stable framerate, and I know there’s nothing I can do to fix it aside from getting a PS5For me it’s Cold War and that PlayStation Plus Collection, haha I mean like 15+ good games come out a year and I’ve already counted that many for next year. Also, the god of war, Horizon, ghostwrite Tokyo are all exclusives.
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