For anyone who a Good Quality Dachshund Happy Halloween Shirt thinks these comments represent the electorate, just remember that this is the same echo chamber that said Bernie would win the primary and that Brexit would never happen. Also, you’ll notice a lot of commentators aren’t eligible to vote – they’re not American. Check their post history. Lots of Europeans and Canadians here opining on an election they have no control over. What a horrific choice if you’re trying to convince anyone who isn’t a Biden supporter already to vote for you. Additionally, he’s pretty old and at his age, you have to consider he may not make it 4 years. Do a lot of people want.
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I don’t and it’s going to a Good Quality Dachshund Happy Halloween Shirt make voting for him even harder. I will the other choice is incredibly worse but I won’t feel good about it Maybe if we ever had a female president or vice president, it wouldn’t be as important. Strangely, despite making up 50% of the population, they’ve never held that office. I’m going out on a limb by assuming that there are plenty of women in US history that would have been competent in that role. The right would go right into Russiagate all over again. Keep in mind she was the one who started to unmask Trump aides when they had no legal authority to do so. He’s really banking on the “anyone but Trump” vote to turn out and we all saw how well that worked for Hillary in 2016.
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