So that elemental pop perk changes a Good I’m Not Mean I’m Just Too Old To Pretend I Like You Shirt your ammo type (take everything w a small grain of salt I’m pretty sure this is correct info though) since it can change ur ammo type u can change through the dead wire, turned, fireworks, etc, and double-tap works the same as in BO4. PaP your gun once for double tap PaP twice for a better double-tap and PaP 3 times for the BO3 double-tap. You can also upgrade your perks but it’s fairly vague as of nos. I reeeaaaally hope they do something new with a jug, and not just have it increase health.
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What a Good I’m Not Mean I’m Just Too Old To Pretend I Like You Shirt fabulous study to run. Those guys must have had so much fun, and I bet they have been forcing their friends and family to binge on horror since. Horror movies are basically waking nightmares. That’s why cheesy horror movies are the best horror movies. Not only do can they prepare us for the tactical problems in scary events, but more importantly they prepare us to experience threatening events with a sense of humor. Got any recommendations? I’m not a huge horror person because I scare easily, but cheesy or funny horror movies, like Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, seem to be good gateway movies for me.
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