That’s highly unlikely to Golf The Older I Get The Harder It Is To Find My Balls Vintage Retro Shirt happen though. If Biden wins, worst case for Dems is probably losing the Senate 49-51. In that case, I think McConnell goads Biden into nominating Garland again and confirming him. It is right up Biden’s alley if he knows the Republicans still have the Senate and he’ll say he is righting the injustice of four years ago. By blocking it for two years, the election will become a referendum on the Senate being functional. And if they lose that, Biden will be able to nominate someone far closer to RBG as a replacement. Even worse potentially, it could blow up big enough to give Dems the capital they need to expand the court, which would destroy decades of right-wing corporate work to get this court.
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And this is the best court conservatives could dream of. Roberts takes it on Golf The Older I Get The Harder It Is To Find My Balls Vintage Retro Shirt the chin siding with the left on the social stuff, which keeps the left from getting too worked up while keeping the right riled up and motivated. Subsequently Roberts sides with the right on all the business and corporate stuff that big money donors really care about. McConnell and the Republican donors would take this court and swap RBG for Garland without a second of hesitation, they just won’t say it out loud. Combine that with proper regulation (reintroducing air and water pollution standards for coal and fracking, vehicle fleet emissions, efficiency standards), and a big investment in infrastructure and the grid, and it could mean the transition well underway even within 4 years.
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