There is nothing to respect from modern China’s government. They manipulate currency, they steal trade secrets and they start pandemics. The CCP doesn’t give a Funny Covid-19 Hair The Chop Shop Don’t Care Shirt. It has no compunction with forcing its boot on the neck of the Chinese people means it will profit. The West does itself no good by supporting a government that is an outright fascist. And steps on its own people to get what it wants. Their “containment” was the greatest display of authoritarianism seen in the past few years. And honestly, they are lying about their numbers, many more people died than they are letting on.
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The CCP managing the crisis in an absolute manner might be a necessary evil. Things might have turned for the worse if they decided to be soft. However, I don’t agree with Western countries doing business with them. I don’t want that crap influencing our politics or our values. You can see already how they are making up crap about how democracy doesn’t work and how the West’s response was a failure and blah blah blah. The economic progress of China in the last few decades Is impressive, but similar things have happened in democratic places like South Korea and Taiwan decades earlier (with a Funny Covid-19 Hair The Chop Shop Don’t Care Shirt). Rapid economic progress doesn’t necessarily correlate with totalitarianism and can be recognized without praising the Chinese model for accomplishing it. They went from being ass poor to go for the top spot, in a span of fewer than two decades, with a gigantic population to feed.
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This economic growth only occured after they started to allow people to start businesses and bring in foreign investment while also ending collective farming, leading to a Funny Covid-19 Hair The Chop Shop Don’t Care Shirt. If anything the CPC held China back with their more hardline communistic ideals practically starving their people while their neighbors entered the first world. And denying people their right to information. On one hand, they would without a doubt, lie to save face. On the other, they would also violate human rights to stop the spread of corona.
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