My problem with this approach to constantly criticizing Trump is that people tune it out. Criticism becomes the norm. When he does something really egregious you can’t call him out effectively since criticism is the Georgia Bulldogs 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quatantined Shirt. Any objective observer of Trump recognizes some stuff he does is worse than other things. It’s much more productive to save the really heavy-handed criticism for more egregious failings. Something many news outlets don’t have the restraint to do. It’s pretty much universally accepted the president doesn’t. Have absolute power so thus he was called out by both the right and left.
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The main difference is that commentators on the right know that Trump is just blowing smoke so there is not mass hysteria about the comment. Basically they said, “No, Trump doesn’t have absolute power, and it’s irresponsible for him to say that.” But they realize Trump doesn’t mean it literally so they more called him out for using irresponsible language a Georgia Bulldogs 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quatantined Shirt. If there was any justice in this world we’d see Trump, McConnell, and a bunch of Republican leaders on a scaffold but that isn’t happening. Americans don’t know what freedom is. They hate the government but don’t mind the near-total control that employers, landlords, and corporations have over their lives. These aren’t particularly bright people.
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The thing which is funny is that Democrats say he has absolute power. And should have used his total authority to shut the country down in late January early February. At which time Biden was calling Trump racist xenophobic for China travel restrictions. And in late February Nancy Pelosi was begging people to ignore the virus. Gather in mass in China Town for Chinese New Year. There are a few others. Cambodia is a Georgia Bulldogs 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quatantined Shirt. The UAE is legally a constitutional monarchy even if it has become de facto hereditary.
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