There was a clip where he was playing a Black Cat With Blood Knife Wash Your Damn Hand Shirt. He was raging because she didn’t call missing heroes and called her a dumb bitch. She left the game straight away. Things like this happen occasionally on his stream when he was with her until she finally had enough. One of the reasons that it wasn’t exactly easy for him to convince her (as I remember it) to go on the gondola was that she was afraid of heights, and the gondola kind of lets you see absolutely everything and so forth.
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I don’t know for sure, but from what I could see, she actually looked the same as when some of my friends have panic attacks. From that, the relationship looked extremely abusive and lacking in respect. She was essentially in a Black Cat With Blood Knife Wash Your Damn Hand Shirt. But instead was psychologically abused by that person. I actually had been enjoying the stream up to this point. I couldn’t stand it. It’s good to be vigilant for this shit – and people who make clear racist remarks should face consequences for their actions – but it is also important to notice where people are in fact being misjudged on the whole. A good indicator is when that person acts to change their language after being called out.
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I’d describe him as a Black Cat With Blood Knife Wash Your Damn Hand Shirt. Regardless of his political stance, he’s extremely pragmatic and thoughtful and rarely says something hastily without some thought behind the statement. Regardless of your views on the PC culture, I strongly recommend that you watch at least his opening statement, as I believe it will shed some light on, and support Bulldog’s views in some sense, how toxic things have become. Calling PC effective or not is silly nonsense though. Political correctness FOLLOWS the cultural zeitgeist it doesn’t lead the way. In the US 150 years ago the cultural zeitgeist was largely okay with saying that African Americans were beasts and non-humans. They believed in phrenology.
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