The Chinese coverup happened Top Merry Fishmas Ugly Christmas Sweater Gift For Fisher Fishman Fish Lovers T-Shirt in early January. And they gave up on it towards mid-late January. Was it bad? Yes. Did it prevent other countries from enacting precautions against the virus? No. There was still plenty of time by the time the news got out. What do you call coverup, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m mainly referring to the situation with Dr. Li Wenliang, but it was very short-lived. And did not have enough of an impact to hinder any country’s response. Plus China was much more forthcoming to the CDC directors of other countries and warned the US CDC director on the 1st of January.
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I think China made some small errors very Top Merry Fishmas Ugly Christmas Sweater Gift For Fisher Fishmen Fish Lovers T-Shirts early on, but they absolutely warned us. To be honest, the more I look at that coverup, and the less I see a period of time where the notion of a coverup makes any sense. Over time and some research, I’ve reduced it from an entire month according to western mass media to 2 or 3 days between December 27. And December 30, when medical staff had barely any idea what was happening. I agree. I think it was vastly overblown and even detecting the disease at such an early stage and understanding it is hard to do in any circumstances.
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