Offering a Top Camel Towing When It’s Wedged In Tight We’ll Pull It Out Vintage Shirt bribe to the tow truck driver. Honestly surprised the tow truck driver didn’t end up dead because detective Oscar Meyer “feared for his life”. Real quick, just to piggyback off a top comment thread. Why would a placard or whatever they are talking about preventing him from having towed this car anyway? If that is the cop’s PERSONAL car and not the property of the police department. Why would it matter that it’s a cop? The bank clearly didn’t care what the POS job was.
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Because he would have known it belonged to a cop. And that this was likely to happen, and he would have been right in this case. This is especially true in the Northeast. Cops in NY, Jersey, Mass, RI, etc. Will try to ruin the career of a cop that tickets other cops or their families. They wanted their car back for Top Camel Towing When It’s Wedged In Tight We’ll Pull It Out Vintage Shirt failure to pay. South Australia police use, but for WA at least. If you are in a remote area, you will be outside WAERN repeater coverage.
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Charges dropped just means they shouldn’t have busted his balls in the first place. Shouldn’t any half-decent lawyer should be able to make the case. That the scanner is inadmissible as they’re the result of an illegal search? And from a “hearing things police say” standpoint, there’s no difference between a police scanner and a $20 USB TV tuner stick. Or a $35 Baofeng ham radio from Amazon. Airwaves are public domain if the Top Camel Towing When It’s Wedged In Tight We’ll Pull It Out Vintage Shirt police don’t want people to hear then.
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