It’s true. We have a Thank You For Wearing A Face Mask And Keeping 6 Feet Apart 2020 White ShirtGreek-themed strip club owned by people who also own a cattle ranch and are known for their great prices on delicious steaks; it shares a parking lot with a vegan feminist strip club. The two clubs hate each other and went as far as putting up a fence running down the middle of the parking lot to separate themselves from each other. They might be interested. The same thing is going to happen to the people harassing and assaulting her on her doorstep, violence just creates more violence. If someone is wearing a swastika their views aren’t gonna change because you got in their face, all you’re going to do is incriminate yourself. Probably not a decoration; the house probably gets people parking in front of it in private places a lot so that’s the notification that if you do get towed, it was by that company and you should call them about getting your car back.
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This is 100% what it is. People who have absolutely no talent in Thank You For Wearing A Face Mask And Keeping 6 Feet Apart 2020 White Shirt anything, and know there’s no way they can get attention from people without basically filling up their diapers in public. Which is what wearing swastika amounts too, more than anything. That’s not to discount that they are bigots and fascists. The sidewalk is public domain. Stay on the sidewalk and make her miserable from there. Shit, hand out flyers to her neighbors with pictures of her wearing that swastika. But stay off her private property. We need to keep ourselves safe and set good examples of safety during protesting for generations to come. I didn’t know that. I almost died of dysentery.
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