More well-adjusted people take for a Thank You For Being A Friend The Golden Girls Vintage Shirt granted that their sense of what’s “normal” isn’t universal. There’s a lot of us who grow up in shitty households who had to deal with neglect and emotional abuse, and what’s “normal” to us (because it’s what we’re surrounded by at home is actually really unhealthy and we just don’t know it until we get out of those environments. It’s really disorienting, and that’s a steep learning curve to crash into during your teens or young adulthood. Everything you’ve said here is true for me also.. my mother was the aggressor. And my dad was really neglectful after my mum left the marriage.
Thank You For Being A Friend The Golden Girls Vintage Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
I was a Thank You For Being A Friend The Golden Girls Vintage Shirt horrible angry child who hurt other children and animals. I actually don’t think I really started to curb it properly. Until I was 18 and I started to look at myself and my behaviors. I have a pretty similar story but I’ve only just now realized the stuff I did that hurt animal or other kids wasn’t because I was some kind of horrible person. I was a little kid who was suffering.I’ve talked about most of the messed up stuff in my past in therapy. But I’ve never really talked about that because I was still ashamed of it. This makes complete sense now. Thank you.
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