There are 289 species of octopuses. Two-thirds of an octopus’ neurons are in its arms rather. This allows them to easily do a totally different task with each arm. An octopus has three hearts, one for the body and two for the gills. Their blood is blue. Octopuses are highly intelligent and experiments have shown that they have a memory system that can store both short- and long-term memory. The correct plural of octopus is “octopuses” but “octopi” is also accepted. If this isn’t true for you, and it may not be, everyone has different social circles and we can’t always avoid the idiots, then as some random internet person with no authority, I’ll suggest evaluating the sorts of Some Times I Wish I Was An Octopus So I Could Slap 8 People At Once Shirt people you choose to interact with if you can. Yep, that’s a Garibaldi all right, the biggest of all damselfish, bold as you please. Also, note the lack of coral and abundance of various larger algae species.
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If they turn deep red they are planning on killing you. It means they are upset or scared although I’m not sure about that one. They can also move through any space larger than their beak so about half an inch. It is also pretty fast it’s not like seeing a fat dog go through a doggy door. What’s even more amazing is we don’t really even know how octopuses see colors. There’s some debate to whether they’re colorblind or not, and if they’re not colorblind there’s still debate on exactly what structures they have for recognizing colors, as it’s not as obvious as to how other animals see colors. I’ll have to research this but do we even vaguely understand the mechanism? I mean even if they can see colors, how do they blend their entire body with the Some Times I Wish I Was An Octopus So I Could Slap 8 People At Once Shirt background which itself varies is color? It pretty much lands and almost instantly blends in. Amazing.
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In my (very limited) research, it appears they can sense light with their skin. IIRC, one of the theories of how they can react so quickly to change colors is they use their skin to sense the shade/brightness of colors directly around them in conjunction with whatever structures they actually have for seeing colors (if they even have those structures at all). I personally find it difficult to believe they don’t see coots. It’s a mystery how they do it, but the precision in which they color themselves and mimic the Some Times I Wish I Was An Octopus So I Could Slap 8 People At Once Shirt shapes and textures around them suggests a great eye for detail in my own opinion. They have memory and are social. We just created a story that they’re simple to justify putting them in a featureless glass prison for our own amusement.
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