I take DC trig and I’m in 11th and the Skeleton Drink Wine And In The End We Are All Just Humans Drunk On The Idea That Love Only Love Shirt teacher has hw assigned every day. She said she doesn’t believe in not giving hw. And that the fewer problems she assigned. The more work it’s gonna take bc it’ll be more complicated. I work at an elementary school and we stopped giving kids homework for the most part. There’s always science projects and stuff like that the kids occasionally get. But the only thing they’re required to do after school is really a book of their choosing. I wish this was the case when I was in school. It wasn’t uncommon in grades 11-12 for each of my classes to have an hour each of homework a day.
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I also had. A Skeleton Drink Wine And In The End We Are All Just Humans Drunk On The Idea That Love Only Love Shirt job. Then shower, and do homework until 2:00-3:00 in the morning, get 3 hours of sleep, rinse and repeat. I’d often spend my weekends entirely on homework English teacher would assign an essay, there would be a 25-page assignment from Physics, a report for History, etc etc, all assigned Friday to be due Monday. I managed to stay on the honor roll all throughout but at the expense of my mental and physical health. My happier, healthier classmates skated through in the 60-70% range. And not once in my adult life have my high school grades made a difference. I wish I had shirked my homework more often.
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