That and literally every season they didn’t know if it would get another season until production was over, except the fourth was of course planned to be the end once they made it there. So they had to tie up every other season good enough that people could live with that potentially being the See You In Court Tennis Shirt end, not leaving much room for overarching stories through the series. Not just time slot juggling- for a stretch they completely removed Korra from their broadcast channel entirely and “aired” it only through their awful website. All with basically no warning and little promotion. I think a few episodes leaked early to pirate sites during this IIRC and after that, it returned to the tv air times. Even with his big gut, without training for a long time, he is still extremely strong.
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A lot of people didn’t like Korra and said she was the worst avatar. But what they fail to realize is that her story exists in a world that’s moving fast. So much faster than Aang’s world. And because of that, she didn’t have all the time to adapt to a situation like Aang or any of the See You In Court Tennis Shirt previous avatars did. For being able to keep up with how things changed around her as well as she did, I’d say she was a pretty decent avatar. By the time Korra goes to learn her hardest element (air), she is still childish after having blown through the other elements easily, and her only motivation for having to learn air bending seems to be something like getting the credit she needs for her diploma.
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They did, it was to make it look more like Avatar. They wanted to try recreating the look of drawn animation while utilizing the benefits of See You In Court Tennis Shirt digital animations. So they dropped the frame rate. It’s worth noting that this is actually an acceptable move and can be done right. The battle sequences in the dragon prince actually look quite nice because of the reduced frame rate making them feel snappy. It’s just the regular narrative portions that suffer from it. A notable example of using varied frame rates in animation comes from Into The Spiderverse when Miles is just learning to swing in the woods (to note it’s also present in other parts of the movie just very obvious here).
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