This may sound weird, but thanks for sharing. I started the same thing a Rollin’ With My Homie Shirt a few years back (water and carbonated flavored waters for that “soda-like” fix, and maybe some tea now and again) and it really helped. But for some reason, I started soda and energy drinks back up again maybe 7 or 8 months ago, and I definitely feel like I gained a few pounds and feel like shit if I don’t get that fix every few hours. Once I seriously switched over I realized how much better I felt almost immediately; I was over-caffeinated as under hydrated for at least a decade as it turns out. And grats on your own journey! It’s a struggle sometimes but is so worth it, in the long run, I can tell you the only other thing I drink is coffee in the am then its water from there on out. I’m also not a regular consumer of alcohol. Here and there but definitely not every weekend. There are times I’ll go for a month with drinking. I can’t keep my hands out the cookie jar tho lol
Rollin’ With My Homie Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Switching to Rollin’ With My Homie Shirt water vs sugary drinks is #1 to weight loss. So many empty calories. Plus stopping caffeine, one of the best things I ever did. Always feeling groggy without that energy drink or 3 got really old for me and once I realized my natural energy would come back if I just stopped in taking caffeine, changed my world. I still use it occasionally when needed but on an average day, I have enough of my own energy to keep me going, while feeling way better too. Bonus, my anxiety is now very manageable. keep this shit up. Sugar fizzy water is such a waste of time and money when you really think about it. That momentary sugary mouth bliss is just not worth it. It’s fizzy, it’s sweet, it’s addicting… you put it in your mouth for a split second and swallow it. Just a total waste. I’d rather chew some gum. It’s flavorful and even when it loses its flavor, it still keeps your mouth preoccupied.
2 reviews for Rollin’ With My Homie Shirt