When Stan Lee wrote the RIP Marvel Black Panther Chadwick Boseman Shirt character. He was written as a highly intelligent, athletic prince of a hidden nation. His being black was part of him, just as Black Bolt’s being Inhuman was part of him, but it was much more superhero and adventure than racial politics. Those types of stories were written by other, younger writers, like Roy Thomas and Don McGregor. Still, this does not explain why this ancient title from an isolationist nation in East Africa with a weird connection to Egyptian mythology is actually an English word with a Latin origin. It feels like a very American interpretation of that situation. Like, imagine if, in Avatar, the Na’vi gave their most honored riders the title of Blue Caesar instead of Toruk Maktow. Not the same, right? This bugs me in the same way.
RIP Marvel Black Panther Chadwick Boseman Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
And with regards to the RIP Marvel Black Panther Chadwick Boseman Shirt name being an English name – you do know that the Wakandans would have a different name for “Black Panther” in their native Xhosa, right? Just like they have a different name for “Border Tribe” and “War Dog” and “king”. They are shown speaking English for convenience. And the other Marvel characters always refer to T’Challa as “Black Panther” because they don’t speak Xhosa. Right, you said it again. Panthers are not in Panthera. You can call them panthers, cougars, blue tigers, catamounts, pumas, mountain lions, whatever. They’re all Puma concolor. As I said, cat names are confusing.
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