This is a genuine question a Pumpkin Expectations Pumpkin Face Mask Reality Shirt because I’m not knowledgeable about her. Did he pick her because she’s a good candidate, or did he pick her because she’s a woman and he was dead set on having a female running mate? He wouldn’t have picked her if he didn’t think she was a good candidate. Just like how Obama wouldn’t have picked Biden if he didn’t consider Biden a good candidate. Kamala wasn’t my favorite choice at any point but she is a good pick. She is knowledgeable being a prosecutor, which will be handy for Biden who has prison reform as one of his main platform policies.
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Also, since she was a Pumpkin Expectations Pumpkin Face Mask Reality Shirt prosecutor, Republicans can’t give democrats at being weak in “law and order”. I bet they will bring it up all the looting from the people taking advantage of the BLM protest. She was also 2nd African American woman to be elected to the Senate. First African American and woman to be attorney general in that role. So considering only these few points, even though she is unpopular, she appears to be a good fit for the political climate at the moment. It’s just a matter of time before Trump says something sexist or Racist towards her and reinvigorated Dems against Trump. Lastly, she is a tough debater, so she will give pence a hard time. Pence also needs to ask the other for permission to be in stage with her.
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