But after this pandemic hit, the Premium Black Sabbath Matters Shirt BLM protests and the vitriol skyrocketed and compassion dropped to zero. I knew there was nothing more of value to try to foster. I feel like once you reach a certain level of hate you’re truly lost. Like there is just no coming back from thinking someone’s skin color means they deserve to suffer or that hundreds of thousands dying is acceptable. Same as my grandparents. Fox is the only source they will watch or trust. They fucking love Trump. Show them direct quotes about how he doesn’t give a shit about them, and they don’t care because Fox tells them otherwise.
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Oh hey, that’s almost me. My fiancé is a Premium Black Sabbath Matters Shirt biracial and we are queer as folk. I’m also disabled. Oh, and I am a CSA survivor. My dad still thinks Trump is good and if I say anything bad about him, I’m personally insulting Dad. It’s like he can somehow relate to Trump or idolizes him and it disgusts me. I lost all my respect for him. He’d rather have Trump than me. Engage them if there’s an audience that can be convinced. You aren’t going to change maga minds. But if they’re posting seductive misinformation on Facebook.
Other Product: Official Frog In Pocket Shirt
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