Edit: This comment got away an Original Joyeux Noel Shirt too much attention! Also, yeah, many plants can be misidentified, however, 90% of people couldn’t survive off foraging anyway, and if the book gives slightly more chance, wonderful. The thing about foraging for mushrooms is that even if you find edible ones that safe to eat, you gotta find a substantial amount to get a substantial caloric gain. But knowledge of plants, in general, is just a good idea. I wonder how many people can’t identify poison ivy. A Tank. Preferably a British one, as they have integrated kettles. Dang it, I got a fish tank. This isn’t going to help at all!
Original Joyeux Noel Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Proper maintenance on an Original Joyeux Noel Shirts tank is beyond nearly 99.9% of the population and you can break a tank very easily. Even with training. Even with training, it’s still not easy to maintain a tank either. I will gladly pass on a tank. A downed powerline can take the tracks off, and keeping the barrel in working condition is a pain in the ass. Plus they are VERY thirsty for fuel. And don’t exactly take cooking oil if you could even find a couple of hundred gallons. Not to mention that without at least 3 people they are worthless in any sort of combat. You could get away with 2 people if they knew their shit and were able to do more than one job at a time.
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