They knew this. So why didn’t they just put in an Official Merry Drunk I’m Christmas Shirt bigger battery and let the iPhone be the same thickness as the iPhone 11? No one would have cared. We’d be hearing about how it’s too heavy. If this subreddit has taught us anything, it’s that people are never universally happy. This is my big question/problem too. Everyone knew that 5G would impact battery life more than 4G. We’re still in the early days so that makes sense. But they also reduced the battery size from the iPhone 11. After increasing the battery size last year and being so loved for it, I don’t understand this decision.
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They made the Official Merry Drunk I’m Christmas Shirt damn phone thinner too. Apple loves to rely on its hardware efficiency, and it is good. But sometimes more is more, so putting a smaller battery is not great. The battery would have been even slightly better than the 11 if they would have used the same thickness. People have been saying that iPhones have gotten heavy lately. And batteries are an especially heavy component afaik. That is why Apple went out of their way to make it dynamic for app use. Only use it when absolutely needed.
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