Didn’t know that existed. Just seen the cover art and I can proudly say that I hate you for poisoning my mind. I dare you to watch it. Then post your review. The movie originally had a different plot. For example, the Official Bomber Dropping Bombs Shirt featured Chinese invaders instead of Norks. But they changed it on request so that they could have it play in China. I don’t think it’s that terrible. I recently watched the new Bad Boys movie. The title – Bad Boys for Life. And the first 30 minutes are so bad. I literally just turned it off because I was bored. That’s a good point!
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Also, Martin Lawrence now looks like a blowfish with those cheeks. What really turned me off about Red dawn the 39-year-old teens and the poor plot. Bad boys for Life sucks. It’s like a parody extension of the series (like Hobbs and Shaw). But unintentionally bad. Ahh but then the enemy would have to shell out for dozens of eyeballs spread out across their Official Bomber Dropping Bombs Shirt. The government should just hire hundreds of super paranoid conspiracy theorists to just stare at the sky. I don’t know, tell them to keep an eye out and record everything they see in the sky.
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Because of chemtrails or some shit. Only if you tell them to stop doing it. Things get messy once you deal with the crazy. The government would like to remind you to please not waste your time staring into the Official Bomber Dropping Bombs Shirt hoping to find some secret enemy spy plane. All flights are already perfectly recorded by our personnel. There’s no need to create some overly intricate database compiling reports from everyone in your community. Thank you. As if they’re going to voluntarily become government employees.
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