Morally never but we were/are a Nurse Santa And Favorite Medical Assistant Shirt empire post ww1 and that brings a lot of benefits to people living in the homeland. However, since roughly the Vietnam war that the empire has fluctuated and become increasingly uneasy. That in itself is unsettling to people who have always known the US as a superpower. Its fall will hurt those how have seen its benefits but the resulting instability. And unrest will still and maybe mostly hurt those who never received the spoils of an empire. America is a great country in many ways. It’s the center of innovation of many technological and cultural breakthroughs that make the modern world what it is today.
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It’s also a Nurse Santa And Favorite Medical Assistant Shirt large country, and large countries trend toward political instability and breakup without an external threat. It was objectively better in many ways economically. Boomers had it great. And objectively worse in many other ways as if you were black pre-civil rights. So white boomers, with some rationality, have a great America in their memories. I’m Canadian so I don’t know. But it certainly seems like they believe it. According to them, they are back 2 back world war champs. Every time I learn more about the history of my country, the less convinced I am that America was ever a great country.
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