I went on vacation with family and in my room of our rental, there was a really sinister and creepy painting of a Move Over Boys Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be An Electrician Vintage Shirt clown that had thousands of tiny clowns being “birthed” from the big one. Like evil little ant clowns tumbling out of a clown car, but instead of a clown car, it was the crotch of the big creepy clown. I asked my parents if we could switch rooms, and my stepdad said “just take it down.” I couldn’t. Ended up sleeping sideways with my feet off the bed. I think my childhood bedroom had this poster!!! This is both upsetting and illuminating Ugh that sounds awful. The doorknob was not the problem, people. There was a drawer on the inside that was preventing the door from opening. Unlocking the knob with a pin,
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My almost 2-year-old at the time followed me to the back door and when I went out to Move Over Boys Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be An Electrician Vintage Shirt take the trash out. I tried to show him how to unlock it first through the door’s window. That didn’t work. The door also likes to stick when the weather is right. Thankfully I didn’t have to worry about temperatures extremes. I was at my girlfriends house many years ago and destroyed a kitchen drawer I couldn’t open. The culprit was a spatula blocking the free sliding of said drawer. My girlfriend didn’t cuddle me like this afterward. That would have been nice. When I built my kitchen cabinets I put in a 1/4″ top panel flush with the bottom of the drawer divider just to prevent that. I hate having big utensils get stuck, and I hate keeping them in a jar on the counter.
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