One of my cats chewed through several cords behind my entertainment center. Didn’t realize he had destroyed my Kinect until it was too late… After he chewed through a gaming mouse and nearly burned my house down (always-powered USB ports), I learned to better hide some of the Maintenance Dept French Shepherd Puke Division Vintage Shirt cords. Not sure that would be too effective against a German Shepherd, though. For scratching, I tried to spray three things on the couch: the essence of lavender, citrus oil, and also the Scratch Deterrent spray from the local pet store. I think with the initial spray, they’d both run away from it, but if I’d forget to reapply, he’d scratch again. The solution that seemed to work was double-sided tape.
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I was gonna say the same, but also make sure you get an option that is upright (like a pole) and an option that is flat (like many cardboard scratchers). We have two cats, one never scratched the furniture and constantly used the poles, the other always went for the top of the Maintenance Dept French Shepherd Puke Division Vintage Shirt couch arms but I never saw use poles. One day I had the ah-ha moment and realized that cat who used our couch liked scratching the couch while standing on top of it and scratching underneath herself, which is a totally different pose from standing upright and scratching a pole.
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Yea we wanted a full breed newly but didn’t want the risk of hip dysplasia, low life expectancy other health concerns that come along with it but we wanted the gentle loving temperament. I researched dog breeds with good hips and overall health and found huskies with a Maintenance Dept French Shepherd Puke Division Vintage Shirt good life expectancy. Figured if I could find a half and half mix I would get a large gentle loving newly with the health of a husky. Two years later I realized I suck at genetics because I got a very large oaf that drools, destroys, sheds, and talks back every chance he gets. I will say that he is great with children though and gentle as could be.
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