Now, I’m in a good position financially. I have a stable job and enough savings to live a very comfortable life. I’m close to my parents and sister. So, I have decided that I will keep the baby. I have always wanted to be an It’s Not A Dad Bob It’s A Father Figure Vintage Shirt mum and this might be my only chance. The guy absolutely lost it and said I need to abort the baby and that I lied to him. Apparently he asked me what my opinion on abortion is to prevent this situation. I remember him asking me but he never specified his question and I thought it was more general. I told him I’m pro-choice which is true. He must have interpreted this as me saying I’d abort any possible pregnancies.
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I am … really conflicted here. NTA for keeping the kid, in understand this could be your only chance and I’m glad you have this opportunity, but it’s incredibly unfair to be like “too bad you have to pay.” Assuming he used the condom properly, he did everything he could to not have a child. He asked if you’re pro-choice, which I take (and always have) as asking if someone would be willing to have an abortion should the worst happen. He tried his best to have a carefree night of It’s Not A Dad Bob It’s A Father Figure Vintage Shirt boning and then you decide for him that his entire life will change.
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The truth is sex has consequences. That isn’t anti-anything. That is just a fact. Sometimes sex makes babies. If you have sex it is a possibility. This woman doesn’t want an It’s Not A Dad Bob It’s A Father Figure Vintage Shirt abortion and so it is a moot point. It is her choice, not his. Part of being a responsible adult is understanding that all actions have consequences. It is time for him to take responsibility. The court will sort it out. OP isn’t an asshole. Also, abortions aren’t always free and are not fun. So even if she didn’t keep the baby, it still stands that sex can have consequences. I’m not over here saying you should wait for marriage but casual sex especially can get messy. It’s just the risk of it, no judgment but its reality.
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