Eerie. Haven’t played Bioshock in ages and just grabbed the collection on Xbox for 10 bucks and started a playthrough. You know you were entering an Ayn Rand post when you clicked this. So why do you find them I’m Not Great At The Advice Can I Interest You In A Sarcastic Comment Shirt to see a BioShock reference? The important thing is that she got to be a lifelong asshole who provided cover for other lifelong assholes for generations to come. I mean isn’t that really what it’s all about (aside from the hokey pokey)? She managed to give rich people a line of reasoning to suggest that they were being taken advantage of…
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That they were the centers of the different economic worlds… And that every one too from them but no one contributed. She may have been very intelligent but the I’m Not Great At The Advice Can I Interest You In A Sarcastic Comment Shirt created in her name and wake is profoundly corrupt and devastating. Yeah attributing financial success to nothing but a person’s talent and ability is silly. Circumstances of birth, coincidence, luck, timing… those all play a huge role. Even in the freest of markets, people are subjected to these outside influences. Ignoring them is far from logical.
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As an added benefit, it also allows these folks the ability to pin the suffering of the poor on their inherently evil nature. She also had an affair with a married man, reasoning that people should do whatever makes them happy, and damn the consequences. But when that I’m Not Great At The Advice Can I Interest You In A Sarcastic Comment Shirt left her and his wife for a younger woman, Rand threw a shitfit. Also refused to believe the smoking/cancer link until she caught lung cancer herself. Objectivist philosophy is basically what happens when a teenager just imagines what a perfect world would be like.
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