Biden’s campaign has been running on Obama dust and the idea that, as a moderate, he will return the country to normalcy… sounds good until we realize that what Trump did spans more than a presidency. Half measures like those meant to repair Trump’s damage and put an I Suffer From OTD Obsessive Turtle Disorder Shirt. We need an equally moving and vibrant movement to not only fix the damage but build from scrap a system that the people deserve. I also think it was a smart move to give him the questions from the start because not only does Biden have time to prepare to answer the questions, he has to provide real answers on live national tv.
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Trump deconstructed the nation and whoever proceeds him is tasked with the job of rebuilding the nation as one. I don’t feel that Biden’s vision is ambitious enough nor does it have direction past, “I’m the guy to beat Trump.” Much of the argument for Biden is that he’s the candidate that can bring together members of both parties but everyone has been so enveloped in the Trump craze that they’ve forgotten what brought us Trump in the first place. Biden is running on hoping to change. And that just isn’t enough. Your observation regarding his viability as the moderate who can bring both sides of the I Suffer From OTD Obsessive Turtle Disorder Shirt. This is the party of Trump now. The Impeachment has shown us this. How are you to negotiate with that? What exactly happens to the republican party when Trump is done with his term? I’m not sure why this board dislikes the comparisons between Trump and Sanders in terms of their movement. Both built a tremendous movement, albeit by different means.
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The youth is the future, and they’re not voting. The old folks are voting in droves while they lack the vision for a better future so they leave the youth with a steaming turd. The youth eventually grows into an I Suffer From OTD Obsessive Turtle Disorder Shirt. Their experience with elections has been the worst in recent history. So it’ll be just the way it is now except we’d be exchanging daily bizarre tweets for the occasional public. Appearances where the President picks a fight with a random citizen.
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