I think the nice old man is doing what nice old men do, slip you, sweeties when your mum and dad aren’t watching. There is an old man in our neighborhood that we call “Biscuit Bob”. He stops his bike whenever he sees the I Adore Her Smile I Cherish Her Hugs I Admire Her Heart Shirt and gives our Lab a milk bone biscuit. She carries it carefully around for the rest of the walk until we get home. Then she tosses it on the living room rug, does an excited dance around it, and us trade-up for some freeze-dried chicken treats. She loves Biscuit Bob and he has no idea she never eats those biscuits.
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Exactly. She runs up to him with the biggest Labrador smile, accepts the biscuit really gently like a good girl, and prances off like a trotting pony, head held high, so proud to carry her gifted biscuit. It’s a win-win all around. The way you describe her happiness warms my heart. Give her some scritches from this I Adore Her Smile I Cherish Her Hugs I Admire Her Heart Shirt internet stranger, please. I used to have a labrador, and I am surprised your girl doesn’t swallow that biscuit the second it, she gets it. My girl never met a treat she didn’t like. I think she’s just done the math and has realized that if she holds out she gets a better offer.
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Haha, I learned fast to throw her the treats not hand them to her. I guess they are all different, but my girl ate any treat from dry old biscuits to cabbage and raw potato. The only thing she ever spat out was a clove of the I Adore Her Smile I Cherish Her Hugs I Admire Her Heart Shirt that fell from the kitchen counter. But she did try her hardest to chew on it for awfully long before surrendering. Bless. It’s the breed. We’ve got two Goldens who could not be more obsessed with being good boys. One of them accidentally got out of the gate and I had no idea. It wasn’t until I heard crying by the front door that I realized he was gone.
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