For which the Hocus Pocus I Just Took A DNA Test Turn Out 100 That Witch Halloween Shirt public only have themselves to blame by not backing the AV in the referendum several years ago. Honestly, the British public and referendums. The same hypocrisy happened in the Netherlands where the people in charge of making aI get why we need these measures, but we also need a strong government to get us there. Whilst I don’t agree with anti-maskers, I completely understand them at this point.nd enforcing. Omg. I had no idea. That’s hilarious. Thanks! And yeah it doesn’t really change anything. Worse still, they’re obsessed with it. If you had to press them, in all honesty, what they think they truly excel at as a government.
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Everyone in Boris’ government would answer “optics”. It’s the Hocus Pocus I Just Took A DNA Test Turn Out 100 That Witch Halloween Shirts Dunning-Kruger effect. Their optics are so terrible, with them so brazenly ignoring public opinion and carrying on regardless, they actually imagine themselves to be masters of it. Everyone in the room can see them bullshitting, and they’re turning to each other saying “I think we got away with it!” loud enough for everyone to hear that too. Driving to a castle on his wife’s birthday. It was pretty clear that the sightseeing during the lockdown was what was going on.
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